WCC Central Committee
COE Comité Central
- Towards a Common Understanding and Vision of the World Council of Churches, September 1997
"The text that follows is the outcome of more than eight years of study and consultation on the "common understanding and vision of the World Council of Churches", mandated by the WCC Central Committee at its meeting in 1989. Since the Seventh Assembly of the WCC in 1991, this subject has continuously been on the agenda of the Central Committee; in addition, it has been extensively discussed in meetings of WCC commissions, advisory bodies and staff. Insights have been sought and received from WCC member churches, other churches and a broad range of ecumenical partners, as well as many individual participants in and students of the ecumenical movement. "
- Report of the Moderator, August 2003
"In his report ... His Holiness Catholicos Aram I ... addresses
with remarkable clarity and subtlety some of the thorny issues that preoccupy those who
are committed to the dialogue of life between Christians and their neighbours of other
religions. Equally, he listens with sensitivity to the reservations of those who fear the
risk of dialogue or exaggeratedly warn against its ambiguities. Well aware that current
developments, political and otherwise, may be threatening to build up new attitudes of
distrust and hostility, he reminds us all, Christians and Muslims in particular, of the
urgency of reflecting together, speaking together and working together. He invites us to
build on much of what was learned in the last decades, across the plurality of approaches,
views and experiences in diverse situations." [Dr. Tarek Mitri, Christian-Muslim Dialogue Department, World Council of Churches]
- Rapport du Président, Août 2003
"In his report ... His Holiness Catholicos Aram I ... addresses
with remarkable clarity and subtlety some of the thorny issues that preoccupy those who
are committed to the dialogue of life between Christians and their neighbours of other
religions. Equally, he listens with sensitivity to the reservations of those who fear the
risk of dialogue or exaggeratedly warn against its ambiguities. Well aware that current
developments, political and otherwise, may be threatening to build up new attitudes of
distrust and hostility, he reminds us all, Christians and Muslims in particular, of the
urgency of reflecting together, speaking together and working together. He invites us to
build on much of what was learned in the last decades, across the plurality of approaches,
views and experiences in diverse situations." [Dr. Tarek Mitri, Christian-Muslim Dialogue Department, World Council of Churches]
WCC Commission on Faith & Order
COE Commission de Foi et Constitution
Texts and Studies.
This is a collection of Faith & Order documents from the WCC issued over the history of the modern ecumenical movement. At this time, many of the older WCC documents have
not been converted to digital formats, and are not available on this site. These links will connect to the WCC website where the official text of the document
documents et études
Une collection des documents sur Foi et Constitution par le Conseil œcuménique des Églises. À ce temps, la plupart des documents sont disponible en
anglais seulement.
Explanatory note from the WCC F&O website
"Faith and Order studies and texts have no independent authority;
they gain importance in the ecumenical discussion insofar as they prove helpful to the
churches in addressing issues of theology and practice which continue to divide them. Most
Faith and Order texts are distributed widely, in order to promote the broadest possible
discussion among the churches of issues related to unity. But not all texts are at the
same stage of development, or have the same "status" in relation to the Faith
and Order Commission itself. Broadly speaking one can distinguish between reports of
specific consultations, which reflect only the discussion and degree of agreement among
those present, and texts which have been reviewed and revised, as part of a larger study
process, by the Faith and Order Board or Commission. Such texts may be sent formally to
the churches for reaction; exceptionally a text, such as Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry,
is sent for an official church response prepared "at the highest appropriate
level". This emphasizes that Faith and Order texts - as all texts - should be read in
light of their origin and intended purpose. This is indicated in the introduction to each
text, and these explanations should be noted carefully." |
L'avis sur le site web du COE Foi et Constitution
« Quelle est l'autorité des études et textes de Foi et constitution?
En soi, ils n'en ont aucune. Leur importance dans la discussion œcuménique s'accroît
dans la mesure où les Églises trouvent utile l'exposé qu'ils font de problèmes
théologiques et pratiques qui les divisent encore. La plupart des textes de Foi et
constitution sont largement diffusés: il s'agit en effet de favoriser une discussion
aussi vaste que possible, entre les Églises, sur des thèmes qui touchent à l'unité.
Mais tous ces textes n'ont pas atteint le même stade d'avancement ni n'ont le même
«statut» vis-à-vis de la Commission de Foi et constitution elle-même. En gros, on peut
faire une distinction entre les rapports de colloques spécifiques, qui se contentent de
présenter une synthèse des discussions entre les participants et le degré d'accord
qu'ils ont atteint, et les textes qui ont été revus et révisés, dans le cadre d'un
large «processus d'étude», par le Secrétariat ou la Commission de Foi et constitution.
Ces textes peuvent être envoyés officiellement aux Églises, à qui Foi et constitution
demande leurs réactions. Il arrive exceptionnellement que Foi et constitution demande aux
Églises leur position officielle, préparée «au niveau approprié le plus élevé»,
sur un texte particulier ce fut le cas par exemple du document Baptême,
Eucharistie, Ministère. Cela veut dire qu'il convient de lire les textes de Foi et
constitution comme d'ailleurs tous les textes à la lumière de leur origine
et de leur objectif. Celui-ci est précisé dans l'introduction à chaque texte, et il
faut donc tenir dûment compte de ces indications. » |
- A Church of All and for All - An interim statement (presented at the 2003 WCC Central Committee)
"There has been a growing awareness that persons with disabilities invite the Church
to explore anew the understanding of the Gospel and the nature of the Church. This interim
statement, drafted with participation from the Faith and Order Commission, offers pointers
and insights on major theological themes. It is hoped that it will also help the churches
address inclusion, active participation and full involvement in the spiritual and social
life of the church in particular and society in general." [from the WCC website] Français, Deutsch, Español
Appelés à être l'Eglise une (texte sur l'ecclésiologie adopté à Porto Alegré)
Assez bref (environ 2 300 mots), ce texte a été adopté par les Eglises
membres du COE à l'Assemblée de Porto Alegré (février 2006) comme
constituant une base pour leur volonté réaffirmée de rechercher l'unité
visible. Il invite les Eglises à relancer leurs conversations -- qui doivent
se soutenir mutuellement tout en restant ouvertes et rigoureuses -- sur la
qualité de leur communauté fraternelle et de leur communion ainsi que sur
les problèmes qui continuent à les diviser. Il a été demandé aux Eglises
membres du COE de communiquer leur réponse officielle à ce texte d'ici la
prochaine Assemblée du COE ; les groupes d'étude et toutes personnes
intéressées sont également invités à faire connaître leurs commentaires et
leurs réactions.
Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM)
The "Lima Document", approved by the Faith & Order
Commission in Lima, Peru in 1982
Becoming a Christian: The Ecumenical Implications of Our Common Baptism
"The Report from the second consultation in Faith and
Order's study programme on worship in relation to Christian Unity. The texts focus on
baptism, particularly the structure of the baptismal service, issues of inculturation, and
how baptism determines the nature and practice of Christian ethics." [from the
F&O website] See also "So We Believe, So We Pray: Towards Koinonia
in Worship", the report of the first Faith and Order consultation on worship
in relation to Christian unity.(en anglais seulement)
Ce texte est le rapport du deuxième colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme d'étude de Foi et constitution sur le culte en rapport avec l'unité des chrétiens. Partant de l'importance de la « reconnaissance mutuelle du baptême » entre Eglises, qui constitue une base du mouvement œcuménique, ce texte étudie le sens et la structure du service baptismal, certains problèmes soulevés par l'inculturation du baptême ainsi que la manière dont le baptême détermine la nature et la pratique de l'éthique chrétienne.
Built Together: The Present Vocation of United and Uniting Churches (Eph. 2:22)
Report of the Sixth International Consultation of United and
Uniting Churches.
Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegré Ecclesiology Text)
This concise text (about 2,300 words) was adopted by WCC member churches at
the Porto Alegré Assembly (February, 2006) as a basis for their renewed
commitment to the search for visible unity. It invites the churches into a
renewed conversation -- mutually supportive, yet open and searching -- about
the quality of their fellowship and communion, and about the issues which
still divide them. WCC member churches are asked to respond officially to
the text by the next WCC Assembly; study groups and individuals are also
invited to offer comments and reactions.
- Celebrations of the Eucharist in Ecumenical Contexts - A Proposal
In this unofficial text a number of liturgists, theologians and pastors propose, on their own initiative and responsibility, guidelines for those engaged in planning eucharistic worship to be held in an ecumenical context. The text was produced by a working group at a consultation held by Faith and Order and the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey to reflect on the churches’ 10 years experience in using the unofficial "Lima Liturgy". (en anglais seulement)
Dans ce texte non officiel, un certain nombre de liturgistes, théologiens et pasteurs proposent, de leur propre initiative et sous leur propre responsabilité, des principes généraux à l’intention des personnes chargées d'organiser des célébrations eucharistiques dans un contexte œcuménique. Ce texte a été rédigé par un groupe de travail lors d'un colloque organisé par Foi et constitution et l'Institut œcuménique de Bossey pour réfléchir sur les expériences faites par les Eglises qui, au cours de ces dix dernières années, ont utilisé la « liturgie de Lima » non officielle.
Cultiver la paix, vaincre la violence : avec le Christ, pour le monde
Invitation à participer à un processus d'étude et de
réflexion théologiques sur la paix, la justice et la réconciliation
au cours de la Décennie « vaincre la violence » : les Eglises en quête de
réconciliation et de paix 2001-2010. [site web de COE]
- Ecclesiology
& Ethics study
- L'Église de tous - Déclaration provisoire (présenté au
Comité central de 2003)
« Dans certaines Églises, beaucoup sont de plus en plus convaincus
que les personnes handicapées invitent l'Église à donner une interprétation nouvelle
de l'Évangile et de la nature de l'Église. La présente Déclaration provisoire,
réalisée avec la participation de la Commission de foi et constitution, vise surtout à
attirer l'attention sur certaines questions théologiques fondamentales et à donner
quelques orientations. Nous espérons que cette déclaration aidera les Églises à
s'intéresser de plus près aux problèmes de l'inclusion, de la participation active et
entière à la vie spirituelle et sociale de l'Église en particulier et de la société
en général. » English,
Deutsch, Español
- L’Église : Vers une vision commune
La Commission de Foi et constitution du COE nous offre une déclaration sur l’Église, fruit de ses nombreuses années de travail sur l’ecclésiologie. Faisant suite au document Baptême, Eucharistie, Ministère (1982) et aux réactions des Églises à ce texte, L’Église – Vers une vision commune a été reçu, en 2012, par le Comité central, qui l’a transmis aux Églises en les encourageant à réfléchir plus avant sur l’Église et en leur demandant leurs réactions officielles. Cette étude et le processus de réactions qui l’accompagne joueront un rôle important au cours de ces prochaines années pour discerner les étapes ultérieures du chemin vers l’unité visible.
Deutsch, English, Español
- Faith & Order Commission meetings
- Fifth World
Conference on Faith and Order, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1993
from the 7th International Consultation of United and Uniting Churches
Driebergen, The Netherlands, 11-19 September 2002
The Church: Towards a Common Vision
The WCC’s Commission on Faith and Order presents to us a statement about the
Church: it is a fruit of their many years of work on
ecclesiology. Stemming from Baptism, Eucharist and
Ministry (1982) and the churches’ responses to it, The
Church: Towards a Common Vision was received by the
central committee in 2012 and sent to the churches
to encourage further reflection on the Church and
to seek their formal responses to the text. This study
and its response process will have an important role in
the coming years for discerning the next steps toward
visible unity.
Deutsch, Español, Français
Peace, Overcoming Violence: In the way of Christ for the sake of the World
"An invitation to a process of theological study and reflection
on Peace, Justice and Reconciliation during the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches
Seeking Peace and Reconciliation 2001-2010" [from the WCC website]
One Baptism: Towards Mutual Recognition
[a text-in-progress]
This text-in-progress explores the churches' agreement -- and continuing differences -- on the meaning and practice of baptism. Taking up a suggestion from Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry the text sets the liturgical moment of baptism within a process of life-long growth into Christ, and seeks to encourage wider mutual recognition of baptism among the churches. Churches, study groups and individuals are invited to offer comments and reactions to the text through October, 2006. [texte en cours d'élaboration] (en anglais seulement)
Ce texte en cours d'élaboration étudie l'accord existant -- ainsi que les différences qui demeurent -- entre les Eglises sur la signification et la pratique du baptême. Reprenant une suggestion de Baptême, Eucharistie, Ministère, ce texte replace le moment liturgique du baptême dans un processus de croissance en Christ qui dure toute la vie, et il cherche à promouvoir une plus large reconnaissance mutuelle du baptême entre Eglises. Les Eglises, groupes d'étude et personnes individuelles sont invités à faire connaître leurs commentaires et leurs réactions à ce texte d'ici à octobre 2006.
Réunions de la Commission de Foi et Constitution
Scripture, Tradition and Traditions: Report of Section II, Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order (Montreal, 1963)
The report on Scripture, Tradition and Traditions was prepared for the 1963 Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order held in Montreal. It represents an important ecumenical advance that makes possible significant ecumenical agreements later in the 20th century on baptism, eucharist, authority, episcope, diakonia, etc...
So We Believe, So We Pray: Towards
Koinonia in Worship: The Ditchingham letter and report
The "Letter to the Churches" and Report from the first consultation in Faith and
Order's study programme on worship in relation to Christian Unity. The texts focus on the
structure of Christian worship, on issues of inculturation, and on how, through worship,
churches are already expressing their unity in Christ." [from the F&O website]
(en anglais seulement)
Il s'agit de la « Lettre aux Eglises » et du rapport du premier colloque (qui s'est tenu à Ditchingham, en Angleterre) du programme d'étude actuel de Foi et constitution sur le culte en rapport avec l'unité des chrétiens. S'inspirant des éléments fournis par le mouvement de renouveau liturgique et réalisé avec l'assistance de liturgistes réputés, ce texte s'intéresse spécifiquement à la structure commune du culte chrétien, à des problèmes d'inculturation dans le culte et à la manière dont, au travers du culte, les Eglises expriment déjà leur unité en Christ.
Towards a Common Date of Easter
World Council of Churches / Middle East Council of Churches
Consultation, Aleppo, Syria, March 1997
A proposal for the common reckoning of the Easter date, prepared in collaboration with the
Middle East Council of Churches.
(en anglais seulement)
Presque tous les ans, la fête de Pâques est célébrée à des dates différentes par, d'une part, les protestants et les catholiques romains et, d'autre part, les orthodoxes (les années 2007 et 2011 seront des exceptions). Ce texte, préparé par Foi et constitution en collaboration avec le Conseil des Eglises du Moyen-Orient, en examine les raisons et soumet une proposition pour adopter une date commune pour Pâques.
Towards Sharing the One Faith
A study guide on the Nicene Creed, and a vital part of Faith and
Order's Apostolic Faith study.
A Treasure in Earthen Vessels: An Instrument for an Ecumenical Reflection on Hermeneutics
"This text explores the complex but often creative field of
hermeneutics - the art of interpretation - focusing on the hermeneutical task entailed in
the search for visible church unity."
Un trésor dans des vases d'argile: Contribution à une réflexion œcuménique sur
« Ce texte explore le champ complexe mais souvent très fructueux de
l'herméneutique -- qui est l'art de l'interprétation; il se concentre sur la
dimension herméneutique de la recherche de l'unité visible des Églises. »
The Unity of the Church as Koinonia: Gift and Calling
The Canberra statement on unity approved by the 7th Assembly of the
WCC at Canberra, Australia in February 1991. This text developed by Faith and Order is another of the "unity statements" adopted by WCC Assemblies over the years. It is one attempt to indicate the elements of "full communion" among churches.
(déclaration de Canberra sur l'unité, en anglais seulement)
Ce texte élaboré par Foi et constitution est l'une des autres « déclarations
sur l'unité » adoptées par les Assemblées du COE au fil des années. On a
voulu y présenter les éléments de « pleine communion » existant entre les
WCC Mission and Evangelism
COE Mission et Évangélisation
- Publications
- Called to One Hope - The Gospel in Diverse Cultures - Report of the Conference on
World Mission and Evangelism, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 1996
Edited by Christopher Duraisingh. English only, available from WCC
Publications. Click here for more information.
The health and community development magazine of the World Council of
Churches. CONTACT deals with various aspects of the churches' and communities'
involvement in health, and seeks to report topical, innovative and courageous approaches
to the promotion of health and healing. Published in English, French and Spanish.
Available online
or by subscription.
- Ecumenical
Letter on Evangelism
Published twice to four times a year in English, French and German;
subscriptions and copies from the Mission and Evangelism Team. Issues of the Letter since
1999 are available online. [Français,
- Gospel and Cultures Pamphlets
Numbers 1-18. English only, available from WCC Publications. Click here for
more information.
- International Review of Mission - IRM
Launched by the IMC as means of communication and for debate and
study, IRM has the honour of being the oldest existing ecumenical journal on mission. It
is published quarterly, in English, by WCC Publications. Click here for more
Common Witness: A call to adopt responsible relationships in mission and to renounce
A document commended to the churches by the WCC Central Committee,
September 1997. [Français,
- Publication
- Called to One Hope - The Gospel in Diverse Cultures - Report of the Conference on
World Mission and Evangelism, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 1996
Edited by Christopher Duraisingh. English only, available from WCC
Publications. Click here for more information.
The health and community development magazine of the World Council of
Churches. CONTACT deals with various aspects of the churches' and communities'
involvement in health, and seeks to report topical, innovative and courageous approaches
to the promotion of health and healing. Published in English, French and Spanish.
Available online
or by subscription.
- Gospel and Cultures Pamphlets
Numbers 1-18. English only, available from WCC Publications. Click here for
more information.
- International Review of Mission - IRM
Launched by the IMC as means of communication and for debate and
study, IRM has the honour of being the oldest existing ecumenical journal on mission. It
is published quarterly, in English, by WCC Publications. Click here for more
- Lettre
œcuménique sur l'évangélisation
un témoignage commun: Un appel à établir des relations responsables dans la mission et
à renoncer au prosélytisme
- AIDS resourcesRessources
- Africa Praying: A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitive Sermon Guidelines and
Editor: Musa W. Dube. This resource book has been produced to assist
the church and its leaders to realize their full potential in the HIV/AIDS struggle.
Contributing Writers: Isabel Apawo Phiri, Ezra Chitando, Tinyiko S. Maluleke, Felicidade
Chirenda, Canon Gideon Byamugisha, Gladies Jeco, Prince Moiseraela Dibeela, Fulata L.
Moyo, Musa W. Dube, Augustine C. Musopole, Cheryl Dibeela.
- Churches and the HIV/AIDS pandemic: Analysis of the situation in 10
West/Central African countries
Published by the WCC and the World Alliance of YMCAs, March 2001.
Click here to read a
summary of this report. The complete report is available from the Mission and Evangelism
Team. [Résumé
en français]
- The Churches Confronted with the Problem of HIV/AIDS: Analysis of the
Situation in Six Countries of Eastern Africa
(Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Uganda
Zambia) Presented by Mutua Mulonzya.
- Les Églises face à la pandémie du SIDA: Analyse de la situation
dans 10 pays en Afrique de l'ouest
Ceci est un résumé. Pour le rapport complet, contactez le bureau de
mission et évangélisation. [Complete report in English]
- Face au SIDA:
L'action des Églises
- Face au SIDA: Education dans des situations de vulnérabilité au SIDA
- Facing AIDS - The
Challenge, the Churches' Response - a WCC Study Document
- Facing AIDS: Education in the Context of Vulnerability HIV/AIDS
- Guide
pour l'accompagnement pastoral des personnes touchées par le VIH/SIDA
- HIV/AIDS and the Curriculum: Methods of integrating HIV/AIDS in
theological programmes
Edited by Musa W. Dube, this is a collection of essays that
"represents our efforts in the continent of Africa to contribute towards the struggle
against HIV/AIDS". The collection came out of workshops to train theological
educators on how to implement the HIV/AIDS curriculum in their educational institutions.
It is also for those in the church who need to deal with HIV/AIDS in their preaching,
Sunday-school sessions and liturgy.
- Learning
about AIDS. A manual for pastors and teachers by Birgitta
Rubenson, 1989. Second revision 2002.
Designed for teachers, pastors and youth leaders, this booklet gives the main facts about
the disease as well as some ideas on how to inform about AIDS. It also gives some
guidelines on counselling and supporting people with HIV/AIDS and their families.
- Modèles
de prédications et de méditations bibliques dans le contexte du VIH/SIDA en Afrique
- Plan
d'action coordonné
En novembre 2001, lors du colloque mondial sur les réponses
œcuméniques aux problèmes posés par le VIH/sida en Afrique, qui s'est tenu à
Nairobi, des dirigeants d'Église d'Afrique et des responsables d'organisations
œcuméniques internationales et africaines ont élaboré un Plan d'action coordonné.
- A Plan
of Action, developed by African and international church
leaders and African ecumenical organizations at a November 2001 global consultation on
"Ecumenical Responses to the Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Africa" in Nairobi,
called for the setting up of an enabling support structure under the WCC, now known as the
EHAIA. [Français,
- Responses
of the faith-based organisations to HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa
(November 2003 WCC publication)
- Qu'est-ce que le SIDA? Manuel à l'usage des soignants
- What
is AIDS?
A basic information booklet for health workers. 1987, revised
1989 & 1994 (28 pages). [Français,
Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the WCC
Groupe Mixte de Travail entre l'Église catholique romaine et le COE
- Relationships between the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic
adopted by the Central Committee of the WCC, January 1965
- First
Official Report (1966)
- Second
Official Report (1967)
- Patterns of relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the World
Council of Churches (1969)
"Since 1965, with the mutual agreement to form a Joint Working Group, the Roman
Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches have supported various forms of official
relations. At first the Joint Working Group limited itself to identifying and encouraging
possibilities. for cooperation between Roman Catholic individuals, groups and
organizations and various units of the WCC as well as for Roman Catholic participation in
the work of these units. Soon the Joint Working Group found that certain projects were
best carried out under its own patronage (e.g. the studies on Catholicity and Apostolicity
and Common Witness and Proselytism), or through the establishment of a special joint group
(e.g. the Joint Committee on Society, Development and Peace SODEPAX). With the
growth in cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches
there arose the question of whether the existing structures were sufficient to meet the
growing complexity of relations between the two. Individual writers began to discuss
formal Roman Catholic membership in the World Council. The same question was treated in
the Joint Working Group and raised at the General Assembly of the World Council (Uppsala,
1968). In his visit to the World Council headquarters in Geneva in 1969, Pope Paul VI
publicly mentioned the question, adding that the answer at that time could not be a
positive one because many theological and pastoral aspects of the question still had to be
studied and resolved." [from the report] Note: this is not an official JWG study
document. It is intended to stimulate discussion.]
- Third
Official Report (1970)
- Future
Joint activities of the RCC and WCC (1973)
- Fourth
Official Report (1975)
- Fifth
Official Report (1983)
- Study document: Common Witness
- Sixth
Official Report (1990)
- Seventh
Official Report (1991-1998)
- Le
septième rapport (1991-1998)
- Consultation of the Joint Working Group (RCC/WCC) marking the JWG's 40th
anniversary (17-19 November 2005)
- Consultation du Groupe Mixte de Travail à la célébration du 40e anniversaire
du GMT (17-19 novembre 2005)
- Eighth Official
Report (1999-2005) PDF 360kb
"This report outlines the activities of the JWG during these years and includes three
completed study documents, as well as some themes pursued and issues addressed. Among the
most valuable aspects of our work has been the Christian fellowship we have experienced,
the sharing that has been possible of information from every part of the world, and the
growth in communion and understanding that has taken place among us."
- Ecclesiological and Ecumenical Implications of a Common Baptism
- The Nature and Purpose of Ecumenical Dialogue
- "Inspired by the Same Vision": Roman Catholic Participation in National
and Regional Councils of Churches
- Le
huitième rapport (1999-2005) PDF 566kb
« Le présent rapport retracera les activités du Groupe pendant ces années, parmi
lesquelles la rédaction de trois documents de travail, de même que quelques-uns des
thèmes étudiés et des problèmes traités. L'un des aspects les plus importants de
notre travail a été la fraternité chrétienne que nous avons vécue, le partage
d'information qui a été possible concernant toutes les parties du monde, et la
croissance en communion et en compréhension que nous avons connue. »
- Implications ecclésiologiques et œcuméniques du baptême commun
- Nature et objet du dialogue œcuménique
- « Inspirés par la même vision »: La participation catholique aux
Conseil nationaux et régionaux d'Églises
Other WCC publications
Divers documents du COE