Conférences des évêques

Bishops' Conferences

Eastern Catholic churches

Églises catholiques oriental

Crest of His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar, Metropolitan of Lviv

Archidiocèses, diocèses, et éparchies du Canada

Archdioceses, Dioceses, and Eparchies in Canada

Catholics: 12,494,903; Priests: 8,801; Religious: 23,684
Dioceses: 63 latin-rite; 7 Eastern Churches; 1 Military Ordinariate

Catholiques: 12,494,903; Prêtres: 8,801; Religieux-ses: 23,684
Diocèses: 63 de rite latin; 7 de rite oriental; 1 ordinariat militaire






Rites oriental du Canada

Eastern rites in Canada

Military Ordinariate
"The Military Ordinariate was created April 21, 1986 following the publication of Apostolic Constitution Spirituali Militum Curae. ... All Catholic military personnel, including those of the Eastern Rites, and civilian personnel of National Defence come under the jurisdiction of the Military Ordinariate. This also includes their families. Residents of schools under the jurisdiction of Canadian Forces as well as residents of Veteran hospitals are also included." [from the website]

Ordinariat militaire
«Ce n'est que depuis le 21 avril 1986, après la publication de la Constitution apostolique Spirituali militum curae, que les militaires canadiens catholiques et leurs ayants droit sont placés sous la juridiction d'un Ordinaire militaire et de ses aumôniers. La juridiction de l'Ordinaire militaire s'étend à tous les fidèles militaires, y compris les militaires catholiques de rite oriental, ainsi que le personnel civil soumis à la loi de la Défense nationale. À ceux-ci s'ajoutent encore les membres de leurs familles, à savoir les conjoints et les enfants. Il faut aussi compter les résidents des écoles et des hôpitaux vétérans, tout comme les militaires étrangers affectés auprès des Forces canadiennes sans être accompagnés de leur propre aumônier catholique.»

Organismes catholiques

Catholic organizations

Ressources catholiques

Catholic resource pages

See also the more extensive list found in our page: "Resource Pages." Many of the links below are repeated there, while there are also provided many additional links to pages that are not exclusively Catholic in content.

NOTE: Many of these sites have no official sanction, and represent a particular perspective on the Catholic community, doctrines, and life of faith. Exploring these sites without seeking alternative perspectives will present you with a seriously distorted vision of the contemporary Catholic church.

Ordres, sociétés et institutes religieux

Religious Orders, Societies and Institutes

Sites intéressants

Websites of special interest

Les ordres


Pastorale universitaire

Catholic campus ministry

Organismes nationaux et internationaux

National/international organisations

