In addition to the links below, explore the links on our Independent episcopal churches page. There you will find numerous links to independent churches that claim a valid episcopal succession. In addition, see the Anglicans Online "Not in Communion" page.

Sites anglicane intéressant

Anglican sites of special interest


The churches listed below are provinces within the Anglican Communion. This listing is derived from the Anglicans Online listing, and adapted from the Anglican Communion website. There are numerous other churches with "Anglican" or "Episcopal" in their name, but they are not an official part of the Anglican Communion. For a listing of these other churches, explore the links on our Independent episcopal churches page. There you will find numerous links to independent churches that claim a valid episcopal succession. In addition, see the Anglicans Online "Not in Communion" page.



The master list of Anglican dioceses online is found at and Anglicans Online. As of September 23, 2005, this list included 327 of the 624 Anglican dioceses worldwide, representing 52% of all dioceses. The Canadian dioceses are listed below, as are a few others that have crossed our paths. If you can supply URL's for the dioceses below or for any other, please and register the site with Anglicans Online.


L'autre diocèsesOther dioceses

Les ordres religieux

Religious Orders

Liens divers

Miscellaneous links

In addition to the links above, explore the links on our Independent episcopal churches page. There you will find numerous links to independent churches that claim a valid episcopal succession. In addition, see the Anglicans Online "Not in Communion" page.